Gynecomastia Surgery

Male Breast Correction Clinic in Ahmeadabad

What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a condition that results in larger men’s boobs (breasts). The overdeveloped breast is often caused by hormone (estrogen- a female hormone and testosterone- a male hormone) imbalance in the body. It can also be caused due to side effects and overuse of certain types of drugs, heredity, or diseases.
Gynecomastia can occur in all ages of men, but usually, it occurs during puberty, older adulthood, and the newborn period. Being a man, larger breasts often cause awkwardness and negatively affect their self-esteem and regular social life.

Gynecomastia or Male Breast Reduction Surgery is a procedure performed to reduce breast size in men. An imbalance of estrogen and testosterone hormones causes enlarged breasts and puffy nipples. Such conditions can cause discomfort, and inferior feelings and drive unwanted attention to any man. Men’s boob reduction surgery called Gynecomastia reduces the over-developed male breasts and flattens and enhances the chest contours.

What Causes Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia can be caused due to several reasons, but the most usual reason is hormonal imbalance. Men’s bodies naturally produce greater amounts of testosterone hormone (the Male hormones) and small amounts of estrogen hormone (the Female hormones). Both of these hormones control breast growth in men and women.
If men’s bodies produce more estrogen hormones than testosterone, it can cause hormonal imbalance. Such imbalance causes gynecomastia.
People with high obesity and with excess fat tissues can also have Gynecomastia which is known as pseudo gynecomastia.

Medical Conditions that can develop Gynecomastia

  • Kidney or liver disease
  • Thyroid disease
  • Adrenal tumors
  • Alcoholism
  • Inherited conditions like Klinefelter syndrome

Key Symptoms of Gynecomastia

A man with large and overdeveloped boobs is one of the key indicators of gynecomastia. Usually, it starts with a slight bump behind the nipple. It seems painless, but some men feel tenderness. The other symptoms of gynecomastia include:


  • Swollen men’s breast
  • Breast tenderness
  • Nipple sensitivity (with cloth rubbing)
  • Adolescents
  • Nipple discharge
  • Pain in the breast (Especially in young men)

Who can go for gynecomastia surgery or Men’s boob reduction surgery?

A man age 20 and more who is physically fit can be an ideal candidate for gynecomastia surgery.Gynecomastia conditions can divide into three different stages: mild, moderate, and severe. Based on primary observations and analysis our expert gynecomastia surgeon at HD PLUS will suggest the best surgery for breast reduction.

Why HD PLUS is the top gynecomastia surgery center in Ahmedabad?

HD PLUS is the best plastic surgery center in Ahmedabad. Our head surgeon Dr. Hardik Patel is GOLD MEDALIST – Cosmetics & Plastic Surgeon. He is a well-known and trusted name for body contouring treatments. He is well-focused and passionate about his career, and he has top-notch expertise in all types of body countering and body sculpting surgeries.

Choosing HD PLUS is the right choice for Men’s boob correction because you will find

  • All-inclusive body contouring solutions in one center.
  • Top-notch and advanced facilities and technologies
  • Patient first approach and Satisfactory results
  • Optimum care
  • One to one consultation structured


Contact HD PLUS today for a consultation and get rid of gynecomastia problem with the help of the best gynecomastia surgeon in Ahmedabad.

Surgical Procedure to reduce overdeveloped male breasts

Preoperative Care

  • It is mandatory to perform preoperative physical tests.
  • Remove body hairs from the chest and underarms before the procedure.
  • Avoid sun tanning, smoking, and alcohol before surgery for at least one week.
  • Avoid any anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements.
  • If you are taking any current medication, consult with your doctor.

Postoperative Care

  • No driving is allowed for the first 24 hours, and you can resume the routine activity after 48 hours.
  • Wear recommended garments for a month to improve blood circulation and speedy healing process.
  • Do light walking because it can reduce the swelling and reduce the chances of blood clots.
  • Avoid heavy lifting and stress, especially during the first two weeks after your gynecomastia treatment.
  • Get enough rest and drink more water.
  • Smoking and alcohol consumption is prohibited
  • Take the prescribed medication.
  • Consult your doctor in case you experience any chest pain, unusual heartbeat, or breath shortness.
  • Avoid sleeping habits in the stomach for three weeks after surgery.

FAQ on Gynecomastia

There are some non-surgical ways to treat the gynecomastia but for permanent solutions and severe gynecomastia, It is advisable to have breast reduction surgery by an expert cosmetic and plastic surgeon.
Thinking about gynecomastia Surgery?

It is an embarrassment for healthy young men to have large breasts. If you are suffering from big boobs and want to get rid of those large male breasts, consult the best gynecomastia surgeon in Ahmedabad.

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