PRP Treatment in Ahmedabad

Hair Restoration Clinic in Ahmedabad

Platelet-rich plasma

PRP hair treatment is indeed a suitable option if you suffer from hair loss and are looking for an effective treatment to restore your healthy hair. PRP treatment for hair loss is a popular treatment option for patients who have thinning hair and weakened hair roots. HD PLUS  is a popular hair restoration clinic in Ahmedabad, and it is well-known for its affordable rates and reliable PRP hair treatment.

What is Plasma Platelet?

White blood cells, red blood cells, plasma, and platelets compose our blood. Plasma is the liquid component of blood. It transports nutrients and blood cells throughout the body. Platelets, on the other hand, are extremely little. They work on any injury that is causing bleeding. It has the ability to produce a clot as well as cure the injury. Platelets can also promote tissue healing by increasing cytokines and blood flow. This stimulates and improves hair follicle function.

What is PRP Hair Treatment?

PRP therapy medical procedure to promote hair growth.  Blood is taken and placed in a centrifuge machine to separate the various phases based on their densities. When the centrifuge process is finished, the blood is divided into three phases: platelet-rich plasma, platelet-poor plasma, and red blood cells.Using a syringe, only the platelet-rich plasma  injected into the scalp to support hair growth.

Who is preferred candidate for PRP hair treatment?

People with thinned hair and moderate hair loss are ideal candidates for this treatment. People who want to improve the effects of a hair transplant might also consider a PRP hair treatment for better hair follicle health. People who are concerned about having hair transplant surgery can opt for a PRP hair treatment to stop or slow down hair loss.

How much does a PRP hair treatment cost?

The final pricing, however, is determined when the stem cell medical team evaluates it and determines exactly what type of surgery you will require, how long it will take, and what materials and equipment will be utilised. The following factors:


  • Technology Used
  • Type of clinic
  • Level of professional surgeons and technicians
  • Location of surgery
  • Patient history
  • Patient age

PRP Treatments FAQs

PRP hair treatment is deemed safe when conducted by a trained professional because it uses the patient's own blood plasma. Side effects such as moderate pain, redness, headaches, and temporary hair loss may occur after PRP hair treatment.

Best Hair Restoration clinic in Ahmedabad

PRP therapy for hair loss has medically proven and one of the most effective and efficient treatments for hair problems among men and women. Book and appointment at  HD PLUS, if you are looking for PRT treatment.

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