Laser Treatment

Laser Treatments in Ahmedabad

Laser treatments are top-notch, fascinating, and a boon for cosmetic procedures and surgeries. Laser stands for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. Laser cosmetic surgeries are performed using single wavelength laser beams transmitted on a small area.


Laser cosmetic surgeries evaporate the skin tissues and treat skin diseases and issues like unwanted hairs, acne & pimple scar removal, skin tightening, and tattoo removal. HD Plus is a high-tech cosmetic laser treatment center in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. We are the top laser cosmetic clinic having a team of expert cosmetic and plastic surgeons under the leadership of Dr. Hardik Patel, a Gold Medalist Cosmetic & Plastic Surgeon.

Unwanted Hair Removal

Hairs beautify the overall personality of every man and woman. But unwanted hairs on different body parts create an unpleasant experience and an unattractive appearance. Removing unwanted hairs with conventional techniques like wax, shaving on the face and other parts of the body like the chest, shoulder, upper lips, and public hairs, sidelocks, and intimate areas can be painful and temporary solutions. Laser Hair removal is a permanent solution for reducing the growth or removing unwanted hair. In unwanted hair removal using laser treatment, the laser beams created heat to the focused roots of hairs and damage the hair follicles that produce hairs and restrict further hair growth.

Acne & Pimple Scar

Acne, pimples many times leave scars if you have severe deep spots of acne such as cysts and nodules. Some serious wounds or skin damage can give you a permanent scar. Many wound scars are visible to everyone and can lead to unwanted attention. Laser Resurfacing for Scars is aimed at minimizing the appearance of scars by removing the upper layer of the skin and scarring skin tissues. It is called “laser peeling” in which a wand-like laser instrument is used that removes the top layers of skin and it removes old skin cells. Later on the new skill cells replaces the older ones.

Laser Tattoo Removal

In Today’s world tattoos are a normal and of its kind fashion trend. It looks trendy but many a time it feels unwanted, or it seems faded or tattoos create allergic reactions for some people.To remove those unwanted tattoos laser removal is the safe and the best and permanent solution. Removal of Tattoos using laser treatment uses high-power laser light that passes through the skin and it broke the tattoo pigment ink into small particles. Our body then easily removes these particles. Permanent tattoo removal is the easy, less painful, and best treatment with minimal side effects.

Laser Skin Tightening / Skin Wrinkle removal

Wrinkles and loose skin cause unpleasant looks and make one look old. Laser skin tightening or skin lifting treatment is a minimally invasive non-surgical treatment that helps to tighten up the loose skin and wrinkles and improve your looks. Laser skin lifting is one of the most popular anti-aging treatments to look young and tighten up loose skin. It is a painless procedure that can be done in various areas such as the neck, stomach, face, and others. The laser beams heat the skin tissues and cause collagen to constrict, and make making skin look tighter and young. It stimulates the creation of new collagen and elastin.

Cosmetic Laser treatments clinic in Ahmedabad

All Laser treatments at HD PLUS, Cosmetic Center in Ahmedabad are performed by certified and experienced plastic surgeon.

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